How City Chapel Serves
Degage Ministries
“Dégagé Ministries offers help and hope to homeless and disadvantaged individuals in our community. Responsive programming is designed to address immediate and long-term needs such as overnight respite for women in crisis, food, referral services and hygiene facilities. Dégagé’s goal is to assure that every man and woman who we serve knows that he/she is not alone. Many hardships exist in life and none of us are exempt from them. For those 400-500 individuals we serve daily at Dégagé, many of whom are homeless and low-income, the hardships can be overwhelming—loss of shelter, loss of employment, loss of a loved one, loss of control and loss of opportunity. And with these hardships, they lose much more. Many feel unworthy and hopeless, especially after society has looked down upon them or they have been rejected after repeatedly trying to move forward on their own.” (from their website)
Cleaning up Sixth Street Park, removing invasive species, & planting native plants
Embrace Sundays
Every Fifth Sunday of ANY month with 5 Sundays (4-5 a year).
During our normal Sunday morning worship service time, we do a service project in the City.
It’s changes depending on the weather and what the city/our ministry partners need.
Some examples are:
Park Cleanup
Trunk or Treat
Degage Ministries - Making Birthday Party Kits
Embrace Sunday filling bags of school supplies for local schools
Bags full of school supplies
Volunteer At City Chapel
Volunteers are what make City Chapel work. Without all of our volunteers each week we wouldn’t be able to be as welcoming, hospitable, and caring as we need to be.
Fill out this form to get plugged in at City Chapel as a volunteer.